How To Send A Please Call Me From Telkom

How to Send a Please Call Me from Telkom

Are you in a situation where you need to urgently contact someone but you don’t have airtime or data to make a call? Telkom, one of the leading telecommunications companies in South Africa, offers a convenient solution called “Please Call Me” service. By sending a free “Please Call Me” message, you can notify the recipient to call you back without having to spend any money. In this article, we will guide you on how to send a “Please Call Me” from Telkom in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Dial the USSD Code

To send a “Please Call Me” message from your Telkom mobile phone, simply dial *140*Recipient’s Number# and press the dial button. Make sure to replace “Recipient’s Number” with the actual phone number of the person you want to contact. For example, if the recipient’s number is 0821234567, you would dial *140*0821234567#.

Step 2: Confirm Sending the Message

After dialing the USSD code, you will receive a confirmation message on your screen asking you to confirm sending the “Please Call Me” message. Press the send or confirm button to send the message to the recipient. The recipient will receive an SMS notification with your phone number and the request to call you back.

How To Send A Please Call Me From Telkom

Step 3: Wait for the Recipient’s Response

Once you have successfully sent the “Please Call Me” message, all you have to do is wait for the recipient to call you back. The recipient will receive the message and can choose to return your call at their earliest convenience.

Additional Tips:

  • Make sure to use the “Please Call Me” service responsibly and avoid spamming others with unnecessary messages.
  • If you are unable to send a “Please Call Me” message due to network issues, try restarting your phone or contacting Telkom customer service for assistance.
  • Remember that the “Please Call Me” service is free of charge and can be used multiple times throughout the day.

In Conclusion

Sending a “Please Call Me” message from Telkom is a convenient and cost-effective way to communicate with others when you are running low on airtime or data. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can easily request someone to call you back without having to spend any money. Next time you find yourself in need of making an urgent call, remember to use the “Please Call Me” service from Telkom.