How To Send Please Call Me On Vodacom

How to Send a Please Call Me on Vodacom

Sending a Please Call Me message on Vodacom is a simple and convenient way to ask someone to call you back when you don’t have airtime or credit on your phone. This feature is especially useful in emergencies or when you need to get in touch with someone urgently. In this article, we will guide you through the steps on how to send a Please Call Me on Vodacom, one of the leading mobile networks in South Africa.

Step 1: Dial the Please Call Me Code

To send a Please Call Me message on Vodacom, all you need to do is dial the following code: *140*Recipient’s Number#. Make sure you replace “Recipient’s Number” with the cellphone number of the person you want to call you back. For example, if the recipient’s number is 0821234567, you would dial *140*0821234567#.

Step 2: Send the Message

After dialing the Please Call Me code, press the send or call button on your phone to send the message. The recipient will receive a notification with your number and the message “Please Call Me” on their phone, prompting them to call you back.

How To Send Please Call Me On Vodacom

Step 3: Wait for a Call Back

Once the Please Call Me message has been sent, all you have to do is wait for the recipient to call you back. They will see your number and the message on their screen, making it easy for them to return your call.

Why Use Please Call Me on Vodacom?

There are several reasons why you may want to use the Please Call Me feature on Vodacom:

  • It’s a no-cost way to communicate with someone when you are out of airtime or credit.
  • It’s convenient for situations where you need to urgently get in touch with someone.
  • It’s easy to use and doesn’t require any special apps or subscriptions.

Whether you’re stuck without airtime or just need a quick way to ask someone to call you back, the Please Call Me feature on Vodacom is a handy tool to have at your disposal.


Sending a Please Call Me message on Vodacom is a quick and easy way to ask someone to call you back when you don’t have airtime or credit. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can stay connected with your loved ones and colleagues even when you’re low on resources. So next time you find yourself in need of a call back, don’t hesitate to use the Please Call Me feature on Vodacom.